Anakao Jewellery

Art Direction and Brand Designer, e-Commerce, Advertisment Campaign, Photo shoots, stationary, brochures, brand communications ANAKAO – refined luxury jewellery, created by high quality craftsmanship. 18 carat gold and set with the most pure, natural diamonds and stones - it’s safe to say that ANAKAO is at

By appointment only

Art Direction By Appointment Only is all about breathing new life into old. Alexandra Navas is the fashion designer behind the brand. Alexandra Navas is a textile artist, designer & vintage collector who works to create one of a kind pieces that celebrate quality craftsmanship and artisan

Kiss & Tell

Brand Design & Art Direction Kiss & Tell is a wedding and special event planning and inspiration sharing platform that allows hosts to directly book their vendors, venues and guest room blocks for their event and to communicate and collaborate on the details of their event

Women in Energy 2019

Women in Energy (WiE) is an annual event organised by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, London Section (, where leaders of the industry get together to discuss how to achieve gender balance from a personal level to the corporate and industrial level. In 2019, WiE will


[ENG] Art direction for the annual campaign promoting theater consumption among the public has been developed, with the aim of reactivating ticket sales. The campaign motto is "CHOOSE THEATER and get excited," seeking to encourage the public to include theater consumption in their daily lives, highlighting

Onshindo Osaka

[ENG] Creative direction (from concept to art direction across various media) for Onshindo Osaka, a new luxury Japanese cosmetic brand that blends innovation and Japanese culture in its products. This project allowed for complete creative freedom to experiment and generate the brand's visual DNA from

Campanya de Foment Cultural

Cultiplica’t [CAT] Direcció d’art per la campanya "Cultiplica’t", una iniciativa del Departament de Cultura de Catalunya dissenyada per promocionar l’oferta cultural. El Missatge Paraigua: Cultiplica’t | Cultura + Multiplicar + Catalunya Ens dirigim a una ciutadania plural amb un to modern, fresc i directe. "Cultiplica’t" no és només